Looking For Ways to Stay Active in the Winter?

Today we are looking at the tips to staying active in the winter months

Staying active in the winter can be a challenge, but there are plenty of ways to stay on top of your fitness goals! 

Here are some tips for keeping active during the colder months:

1. Get creative: If it’s too cold or icy to go outside, find creative ways to stay active indoors. 

2. Try a dance class, try a yoga or taichi class,  take up a new hobby like rock climbing, or find an online exercise program.

3. Find Ways to stay active in the house, like vacuuming the floors, folding laundry, get up and walk during TV commercial breaks,  going up and down the stairs, or marching in place.

4. Bundle up: If you do decide to brave the cold, be sure to dress appropriately. Wear layers, and make sure you have a hat, gloves, and waterproof boots.

5. Find a buddy: Working out with a friend is a great way to stay motivated and have some fun. Try joining a class or a winter sports team so you can stay active and socialize at the same time.

6. Take it easy: Remember not to overdo it. You don’t have to push yourself to the max every time you exercise. Listen to your body and take regular breaks if you need to.

7. Stay motivated: Listen to your favorite music while exercising, or treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes.

Even though staying active in the winter can be a challenge, with some careful planning, tips, and motivation, it is possible to stay on top of your fitness goals! 


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