Menopause Solutions….Tests, Hormone optimization, and Supplements.

Experience Night Sweats, Hot Flashes, or Dry Eyes or Vagina?

Perimenopause, the phase before menopause, poses significant challenges impacting women's well-being. Hormonal shifts involving estrogen, progesterone, and often overlooked testosterone greatly affect health.

Testosterone, vital beyond its male association, contributes to bone health, muscle strength, cognition, and sexual desire in women. During perimenopause and menopause, declining testosterone levels lead to distressing symptoms like low energy, reduced libido, and mood swings. Addressing these concerns through testosterone therapy requires personalized approaches.

Every woman's perimenopause journey differs, necessitating considerations like medical history, existing hormone levels, and symptom profiles for tailored treatment. Administered via topicals or injections, testosterone therapy provides options; creams or gels offer daily convenience, while injections offer longer-lasting effects. Most women prefer creams due to their profound effects even in small daily doses of 5mg.

Regular follow-ups post-therapy initiation are crucial for monitoring symptom relief, hormone levels, and potential side effects. Educating patients about therapy benefits, risks, and realistic expectations is equally vital.

Our state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped to unravel the mysteries of perimenopause! We've honed our expertise to provide you with tailored solutions that elevate your well-being.

Our quality supplements from Fullscript are meticulously crafted to offer you a path to relief. Whether it's tackling mood swings, boosting energy levels, or reigniting your vitality, our supplements are designed to support you.

Our InBody 270 testing! state-of-the-art technology offers an in-depth analysis of your body composition, providing invaluable insights into your skeletal muscle health. It helps us tailor strategies to support your journey by focusing on muscle strength, stability, and vitality.

Step into our clinic, where understanding meets innovation. Let's navigate perimenopause together and unlock the possibilities that lie beyond this transition.


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